Wednesday, September 19, 2007

blog 1

Well the topic that I picked for this semester was the food series, so I’ll like to start off by telling you some of the foods that I love to eat. My top five are beef ribs, mac & cheese, pizza, mash potatoes and of course fried chicken. As far as today, all I had to eat were two Spanish beef patties for breakfast and some Life saver gummies in the afternoon. Not too healthy right? Yeah, I know. But I did have a bottle of water, so that one point for me. Lol and it was a liter bottle so make that two points. But I promise I’ll eat healthier tomorrow. Later that night I had rice and chicken for dinner and that was it for the day. wow, maybe i'm not a health freak.

1 comment:

Twitty Tinkerbell said...

you really are not a health freak,i really do not know why u thought u u know how much grease is in fryed chicken?